WHAMglobal Board Discusses Women's Health Lessons from Australia, New Zealand, Singapore, Norway, and Finland

The WHAMglobal Board convened on June 21 for a presentation on women's health equity at the international level. During the meeting, Jewish Healthcare Foundation President and CEO Karen Wolk Feinstein, PhD and JHF COO and Chief Program Officer Nancy Zionts provided a high-level overview of takeaways from the recent JHF study tour to Norway and Finl...

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JHF Accepting Proposals for Maternal Health Innovation Grants Ranging Between $15,000 - $100,000

Maternal mortality is a serious public health issue in Pennsylvania, with a pregnancy-associated mortality rate of 82 deaths per 100,000 live births. Race, pre-existing health conditions, social determinants of health, and early access to prenatal care have all been linked as contributing factors of poor maternal outcomes. The Jewish Healthcare Fou...

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WHAMglobal Shifts Focus to Women’s Health Inequality in Older Age; Welcomes New Board Members

WHAMglobal was designed to concentrate on an area of women's health for a period of time, drive and hopefully document significant progress, and then address another area in need of the same attention and action. On Thursday, March 23, the WHAMglobal board convened to focus on a new topic, Women's Health Inequity in Older Age. An exceptional cohort...

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Perinatal Health Equity Champions Program Kicks Off

A kickoff session was held June 14 for the new Perinatal Health Equity Champions Program, a year-long engagement model designed to build capacity in the birthing workforce to help address racial disparities and improve maternal health care in the Pittsburgh region. The cohort includes 14 Champions from 10 different organizations including doulas, a...

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Health Careers Futures and WHAMglobal Boards Examine Maternal & Child Health Initiatives During Joint Meeting

On June 22, the Health Careers Futures (HCF) and WHAMglobal boards convened in a joint meeting to discuss the evolution, impact, and future of the Pennsylvania Perinatal Quality Collaborative (PA PQC) and related maternal health efforts. Debra L. Caplan, MPA, chair of WHAMglobal and Jewish Healthcare Foundation (JHF) boards, and Patricia L. Siger, ...

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Birthing a Movement Celebrates Birth Workers at Three Rivers Arts Festival

WHAMglobal's Birthing a Movement multi-day event and exhibit at the Three Rivers Arts Festival received a great reception over the first weekend of June. Birthing a Movement included commissioned artwork, interactive artwork, local birthworkers discussing their work, and Anthropology of Motherhood's "Culture of Care Exhibit," a combination showcasi...

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